
The Extra Mile

Everyone has heard the phrase , "Go the extra mile," but there is an interesting history behind that phrase that most people don't know. 

Because of the Roman rule in Palestine at the time of the gospels, there was a strong Roman military presence in Jerusalem. Since 63 B.C. Rome exercised ultimate authority over all of Palestine, and as a result there were many laws that were suppressive to the Jews. One law stated that if a Roman soldier were to ask a Jewish citizen to carry his gear, the Jew was obligated to carry it without question. But the law stated that that the solider could only hold the Jew to one mile of service and no more.

Throughout His ministry Jesus used situations like this that were common knowledge to the people at that time to help them better understand His teachings. In Matthew 5:41 Jesus says, "And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two." It seems that He is referring to a solider, because He uses the word "compel." Obviously He means anyone who asks.

One thing that no one present at that Sermon on the Mount could have guessed was that this teaching would eventually play a part in His death. Although unlikely, it's interesting to think that Simon of Cyrene could have been there to hear Jesus talk about going the extra mile. (Mark 15:21)

How far are you willing to go with Jesus? And what are you willing to bear? (Luke 9:23; Matt. 10:38)