Incarnational Ministry
(2 Corinthians 5:20)
My passion is to see people get saved and grow in their walk with God. That’s not really too surprising to hear someone in the ministry say. But I don’t want to do it as a “pastor.” At least not if by “pastor” you’re thinking about the guy who puts off this vibe as if to say, “I’ve got it all together. And you want to know what I know.”
I’m talking about ministry that everyone should be doing. Ministry that invites people to be real, open, and honest by BEING real, open, and honest. I desperately want to position myself in others’ lives to where, like Paul, it’s “as though God were making His appeal through me.” (2 Corinthians 5:20) I have come to call it “incarnational ministry.” In other words, just like Jesus, you come along side someone and do life with them. And, just like Jesus, at times even enter into their suffering with them. Is there really any higher platform from which to preach the love and grace of God?
Lord, I pray that You will help me to minister to and love others the same way that You do. Help me to see others as better than myself. Thank You for entrusting me with others’ lives. I pray that I never take for granted the weight of that privilege.
The Gift of Grace
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me.”
Jesus isn’t being intolerant, arrogant, or closed minded when He says, “No one comes to the Father but by Me.” He’s offering the greatest gift He can give, Himself. He’s offering grace and forgiveness. And He’s giving us the answer to the question that (on some level) every person who ever lived has asked, “What must I do to be saved?”
There are a lot of well-meaning people out there who sincerely struggle with the simplicity of the grace of God. They say, “Surely it can’t be that easy. There has to be more to it,” or “How could God exclude everyone who has lived a good, moral life like Muslims, Jews, etc. just because they don’t believe that Jesus is the only way to God?”
For every religion on earth, their only hope for salvation rests on their ability to follow certain rules and traditions, and in the end, they are banking it all in hopes that it will be enough to save them.
Where religion says, “I’ll do it.” The gospel says, “God did it.” You see, there is nothing in us that gives us the ability to save ourselves. But the Good News is that Christ did what we could not. Christ took our sin and in return gave us His righteousness (Romans 3:21-26).
As well-meaning as it may sound, to trust in our own ability to save ourselves is by default rejecting the gift of salvation that Christ sacrificed so much to purchase for us. When we try to fix ourselves, it's as if we hear Jesus saying on the cross, "It is finished," and we answer back, "Not quite." In Hebrews 10, the bible compares that to “trampling the Son of God underfoot, counting the blood of the covenant by which we were sanctified a common thing, and insulting the Spirit of grace.”
How amazing is it that God offers us a gift as great as salvation?! And He is pleading with you to receive it.
Where Does Your Hope Lie?
“Why spend your money on something that is not real food? Why work for something that doesn’t really satisfy you? Listen closely to Me, and you will eat what is good; your soul will enjoy the rich food that satisfies.”
We all experience hurt when someone lets us down. We feel dissatisfied when a situation doesn’t turn out like we’d hoped.
In those moments, ask yourself this question, “Is what I’m feeling right now the result (the fruit) of a heart whose hope is placed in God?”
If not, could it be that the reason why we hurt is because we are placing our hope in the wrong thing? We are relying on that person, even spouses, to satisfy us, complete us, and to meet our needs. We are trusting in our situation to change so that we will finally have peace of mind.
Could it be that we are demanding from that person or situation something that they were never created to provide for us?
So, what does it look like to place our hope in God alone? Does it mean that people will never hurt us again? No, but it means that we can now be free to love them and forgive them, knowing that only God alone can satisfy us and meet our deepest needs. Does it mean that nothing bad will ever happen to us? No, but it means that in spite of our circumstances, no matter how bad, we can have peace, because we know that God is our provider.
In all honesty, what are those things that we are placing our hope in, and why? Why are we trusting sinners to satisfy us in a way that only God can? Why are we allowing circumstances, which can and do constantly change, to hold the fate of our very happiness?
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. And it’s only when we learn to fully place our hope in God, who can change sinners and make all circumstances work together for our good, that we will finally find true joy.
Psalm 63: “God, You are my God. I search for You. I thirst for You like someone in a dry, empty land where there is no water. I have seen You in the sanctuary and have seen Your strength and glory. Because Your love is better than life, I will praise You.”
Jesus Prays for You
God Is Love - Part 2
Spirit-filled Life
Change Your Focus
Genesis 1 was written in Hebrew to read like a poem. It has rhythm to it:
“God created this, then He created this, and it was good….”
“God created this, then He created this, and it was good….”
I believe it was written that way because it's describing how God has woven within the fabric of the universe this rhythm, this beat, this grove that is behind everything. It flows through everything. It is the rhythm that all of the universe operates in and under:
-every day turns into night
-every night turns into morning
-fall turns into winter
-the lifecycle of a plant
-the rotation of the earth
-it’s trip around the sun, etc.
So, there’s this rhythm (beat, grove, flow) going on all the time. In other words, God designed the universe and everything in it to work a certain way - including us.
Most people think that God is this cosmic killjoy who hates fun and wants to keep us from enjoying ourselves. But it’s the complete opposite! God created everything and said it was good, but He created it to work a certain way. And He created us to operate and live within it a certain way.
We’ve got to understand this, because all throughout the bible God is begging us to enter into this rhythm and design. In the book of Proverbs it's personified as wisdom in the form of a woman screaming in the streets saying something like, "How long are you going to keep trying to do this contrary to how this was designed to function. If you would just listen to me, I would show you how this is supposed to work in such a way that the joy that you are seeking would be found in it." (Proverbs 8; 16:25).
God is in no way glorified by our begrudging submission to Him. He doesn't want to snuff out our joy by forcing us to follow a bunch of rules. He wants to maximize our joy by leading us back in line with the way He created things to be.
Hunger for the Word of God
Complete Confidence
Transformed Heart
Seasons of Waiting
Forgiveness Is Healing
Strength Injection
More Than Just Remembering
God, The Artist
Designed for a Purpose
Ephesians 2:10
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (ESV)
Any tool that is used for something other than what it was created for will not be effective, and it will most likely get damaged. One time I needed a hammer to pound in a nail, but I was too lazy to go out in the garage to get one. So, I ended up using whatever I had handy, like a flashlight. (you know you’ve done it too!)
You can guess what happened. It wasn’t very effective. I was able to get the nail in for the most part, but in the end, it was all bent and misshaped. The wall and the flashlight didn’t look much different.
Too many Christians today are not functioning or flowing in the thing they were created for, and consequently, they are not effective. And sometimes they get hurt and damaged...often taking others down with them.
You do have a purpose. In fact, the word “workmanship” in this verse translated literally means you are handcrafted by God. It’s also the same word we derive our English word “poem” from.
In other words, just like any great piece of art or poetry, your life is not without order and symmetry; rhyme or reason. God has some specific things mapped out for your life. You are not an accident. You have a purpose.
“God, I pray that today You would show me the purpose that You designed into my life. Help me to develop the gifts that You have given me in order to fulfill that purpose.”