
The Pleasures of God (Review)

John Piper's "The Pleasures of God" is an excellent follow up to "Desiring God." He makes an even more irrefutable case for his famous saying "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." God is fully satisfied in Himself, therefore, our joy is fully satisfied in Him.

He points out that you don't really know someone until you understand what makes them happy. Piper wants us to tap into an intimacy with God that few people even know they are able to pursue. If we don't understand the joy of God, we'll be tempted to pursue a relationship with Him that is based on works instead of resting in our justification, which reconciled us to a God who doesn't need us to please Him.

As always, his use of scripture to paint a picture of the character and nature of God is intuitive and fitting. I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking to deepen their personal relationship with God.

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