Francis Bacon wrote, "Knowledge is the rich storehouse for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate. A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
It’s funny how the mind works. If you think too much without the right attitude, rationale, or common sense, you will end up with an array of outlandish ideas about yourself, your circumstances, the world, and God. On the other hand, if you approach each issue, whether it means ill or prosperity to you or is contrary to the way you have always believed, with the right attitude, rationale, and with a little common sense, you will find a whole new world open up to you.
The touchstones in my life have been marked by the revelations that I have gotten along the way. As I look back, each turning point in my life has been solely because of a radical change in the way I think and view the world. Each time it happens, I am filled with such passion and boldness that I can hardly contain myself. I have to admit, part of the excitement comes from a bloated pride with my new knowledge. You know the kind of pride that you see in the super-spiritual person? The kind of pride that says, “I know the perfect way to live, and anyone who thinks differently is brainwashed by the world.”
This is the philosophy that Bacon talks about that leads to atheism. Most atheists that I know came through the tabernacle of God only to deny him just before their knee could touch the ground in worship. The problem is that they came to God with the wrong intentions and expectations, and they ended up blaming God for not fulfilling those expectations.
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