
The Extra Mile

Everyone has heard the phrase , "Go the extra mile," but there is an interesting history behind that phrase that most people don't know. 

Because of the Roman rule in Palestine at the time of the gospels, there was a strong Roman military presence in Jerusalem. Since 63 B.C. Rome exercised ultimate authority over all of Palestine, and as a result there were many laws that were suppressive to the Jews. One law stated that if a Roman soldier were to ask a Jewish citizen to carry his gear, the Jew was obligated to carry it without question. But the law stated that that the solider could only hold the Jew to one mile of service and no more.

Throughout His ministry Jesus used situations like this that were common knowledge to the people at that time to help them better understand His teachings. In Matthew 5:41 Jesus says, "And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two." It seems that He is referring to a solider, because He uses the word "compel." Obviously He means anyone who asks.

One thing that no one present at that Sermon on the Mount could have guessed was that this teaching would eventually play a part in His death. Although unlikely, it's interesting to think that Simon of Cyrene could have been there to hear Jesus talk about going the extra mile. (Mark 15:21)

How far are you willing to go with Jesus? And what are you willing to bear? (Luke 9:23; Matt. 10:38) 


Someone to Think for Me

I have come to believe that you are in life exactly where you want to be. Contrary to popular belief, a person who chooses to live a mediocre life for the most part did not come to that decision as a reaction to something terrible that happened to him. It's a mindset that was developed out of a series of failures. When the going got tough, he wasn’t, so he quit.

"Besides, that’s what everyone else is doing. "

Why is everyone else doing it? Because it’s much easier to maintain than it is to excel. Unfortunately, because of this, the picture of the American Dream has faded into earning a “good salary” at a “good job” for 40 years, have a couple of hobbies, and keep your nose clean (whatever that means). This thought process is the same kind of thought process it takes to hang someone….let me explain.

Hardly anyone would have the guts to take a person out by themselves and hang them from a tree, but put a mob together, (someplace you can lose your identity; a community where no one points the finger at anyone else, because there is no one to blame), and you’ll hang people all day simply because:

“That’s just the way it is around here.”

“Everybody’s doing it.”

And by the way:
“You can’t judge me. I’m no different that anyone else here.”

“I’m just here watching. I don’t have anything to do with this, so it’s not my fault.”

By the way, how do you get away with doing something you know is wrong without feeling guilty? Get around enough people who want to do the same thing. Herein lies the answer to the age-old questions, “Why do bad things happen?” & "What went wrong with the world?" It’s not because bad people are doing too many bad things, it’s because good people aren’t doing enough good things, therefore the consensus has become whatever was bad (but everyone secretly wanted to do. They just didn’t have enough guts to do it until everyone else did) has now become acceptable.

How could we have let it get that way? Because it’s easier to do nothing. If you don’t think about it, it’s like it never happened, right? And because so many good people had turned their minds off, the mob became the brain, therefore, the one’s with all of the answers, therefore, the final authority on all truth and morality.

Now we’ve come full circle. It all comes back to the fact that people do not know how to think. So, what do they do? They let other people think for them: the media, their family, their teachers and professors, the government, scientists, etc.

“I’m not the expert on anything. That’s what those guys are for. If they say that’s the way it is, who am I to argue with them?”

Most people don't choose to think this way, they just eventually come to the conclusion that it's easier than "open[ing your]...mouth [to] speak boldly, as [you] ought to speak, " (Eph. 6:20) or taking one more risk, which in their mind is destined to fail...again.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Cor. 5:17)


Absolute Truth

I was recently speaking with a co-worker (who is actually sitting right behind me as I’m typing this). He is one of those guys, like most of the guys that I work with, who says he is a “Christian,” yet for some reason disagrees with most of what the bible says about morality. Again, like most people, he will never say that out loud, but it’s simply how it is with him.

The other day we were arguing about whether or not homosexuals were born that way. In the end, I said to him, “Listen, it boils down to this. There are only two possible ways to look at morality:

1.) “There is an absolute Truth that at one point or another we deviated from, and everyone started making up their own sense of what’s right and wrong.”

2.) “There is no truth, therefore, no meaning or purpose whatsoever, and we are all just wandering around aimlessly trying to eek out an existence until we die.”

I told him, “This goes way deeper than you think.” That’s exactly what Francis Bacon was talking about when he wrote, "A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion" (see post below). People refuse to go deep in there thinking, because they know that as soon as they do, they are going to come face to face with the fact that there is an Absolute Truth, which if you go deep enough, is completely undeniable. At that point people know that they will have to be accountable for the sin in their lives. They avoid going down that road, so they branch off to take more scenic routes. Roads that are prettier, non threatening………and easy to get lost on. They know that their conscience lies deeply recessed in their mind behind all of the junk that they’ve shoved in front of it (so that they wouldn’t have to acknowledge it anymore).

Zeal Without Knowledge

Francis Bacon wrote, "Knowledge is the rich storehouse for the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate. A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."

It’s funny how the mind works. If you think too much without the right attitude, rationale, or common sense, you will end up with an array of outlandish ideas about yourself, your circumstances, the world, and God. On the other hand, if you approach each issue, whether it means ill or prosperity to you or is contrary to the way you have always believed, with the right attitude, rationale, and with a little common sense, you will find a whole new world open up to you.

The touchstones in my life have been marked by the revelations that I have gotten along the way. As I look back, each turning point in my life has been solely because of a radical change in the way I think and view the world. Each time it happens, I am filled with such passion and boldness that I can hardly contain myself. I have to admit, part of the excitement comes from a bloated pride with my new knowledge. You know the kind of pride that you see in the super-spiritual person? The kind of pride that says, “I know the perfect way to live, and anyone who thinks differently is brainwashed by the world.”

This is the philosophy that Bacon talks about that leads to atheism. Most atheists that I know came through the tabernacle of God only to deny him just before their knee could touch the ground in worship. The problem is that they came to God with the wrong intentions and expectations, and they ended up blaming God for not fulfilling those expectations.

MAN THOUGHTS by Sid Falco (a participant of the G8 Men's Meetings at the Gateway Church NRH Campus)

"There were many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream—whatever that dream might be." -Pearl S. Buck

"I’m not perfect. I screw up every day. I sin. I cry. I fail. I repent. And then I do it again. I tell you all that to let you know that I’m writing to you out of a heart of humility, not a "here’s the answer" kind of mindset. Because I know I’m not alone and because I love my brothers, from time to time, I share what the Lord gives me. Lately, God’s really been talking to me about living out what He has put in my heart.

Our inner passions, desires and dreams are God-given. They are the fuel which makes us burn. We burn with desire to be, to conquer, to change our part of the world and, even possibly, the whole world for Him. We dream, therefore we are. If there’s nothing burning in us, something has died. Our fire has been quenched.

Exodus 15:3 says, "The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is His name!" Because we are created in God’s image, we, too, are warriors. A warrior is a fighter; a soldier; an obedient, passionate protector; a dreamer; one who not only defends the weak, but also fights to see God’s plans for his life carried out.

When the enemy gets us to forget our mission and who we are, we become ineffective. We wake up, "do" our day, go to bed and then repeat it all again the next day. All the while, our God-given dreams get lost in the sea of living life. And when our passion dies, when we get busy in life and lose our desire, we stop engaging. We no longer are effective. We can still be good people, but I don’t look at many warriors and say, "Oh, they’re good people." No, I look at warriors in awe and think, "They are dangerous!"

My challenge to you today is, "Let’s be dangerous my brothers!!!"